Letrozole 2WW

Tonya • 💕 staying positive

Currently right in the middle of my 2WW on day 7 post ovulation. I tested today because I felt like I was having symptoms and I read that unless you have enough HCG to test positive then it cannot be pregnancy symptoms. So i was hoping for an early positive and it was negative. I was then hoping I could get out of my head and stopping hoping that every twinge and cramp would stop my brain from thinking I am pregnant. The cramps on my left side , where my 20 mm follicle was and I’m hoping it’s implantation.

Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Otherwise we will be on round 3 of 20 mg of letrozole starting on May 5.

Next weekend cannot come fast enough !!

Baby dust to all ✨✨✨