Babies are here! Made it to 27w5d

My sweethearts decided that last night was their birthday! I've been in the hospital on bedrest, cervix was 0.5cm in length and dilated to 1cm at 26wks, so I had a pessary placed. Yesterday morning they did an ultrasound to check on the pessary..everything looked great and cervix was being held shut with the pessary, and then at 7:40pm my water broke! Once the water broke the contractions started coming hard and fast and so the decision was made to do a c/s. The babies are doing great right now, they are on cpaps for respiratory support but doing really well. Please send prayers for my sweet babies that they continue to do well. It's so hard for me to be in this hospital bed now, recovering and unable to snuggle them. But I'm so grateful that they're in a great NICU and doing fine so far. Just wanted to share my story. 😊
Baby B (girl) ^^
baby A (boy) ^^