Breastfeeding obstacles

I thought breastfeeding would be a challenge but the reality was harder than I thought. I had inverted nipples which meant baby could not latch at all, I had to pump in the hospital and pretty much nothing came out. I felt the midwives gave up on me when they wanted to give my baby formula, I cried. After seeing a lactation consultant I started using nipple shields (wish this happened earlier!), along with pumping and feeding formula at every feed. My nipples absolutely killed and I dreaded every feeding. After a couple of weeks of this my nipples were no longer inverted. Now my supply has built up and things are now going well.
I feel it's been worth the effort, nothing soothes my baby like the boob! Breastfeeding did not come easily to me at all but I really wanted to do it. Just wanted to tell my story to anyone that's struggling and wants to give up, it does get easier!