Feeling down

I had just found out that I was pregnant 2 weeks ago, and there was no words to express myself. We had been trying to get pregnant for the past year and nothing till that Saturday. I went to my doc on Tuesday found out I was 6 weeks ,everything was fine. Then on Friday was really uncomfortable , I couldn't sleep felt blotting and back pain , but eventually fell asleep. Saturday morning woke up with cramps, and bleeding ,not spotting but period type bleeding. I went to the ER to revive notice that it might be a miscarriage and there was nothing they could do, my HCG count was at 700 and that it was low for 6 weeks, they sent me home and told me to wait . That I should be on total bed rest and relax, and not be stressed. But honestly how can anyone that just revived that news be relaxed and not stress? ? To top it off my husband was away in Washington and would not be Abel to be home until Wednesday. So I did as they said home feet up and relaxed. Sunday I was still bleeding and light cramping, still on bed rest hoping for the best. Then every mother to be worst nightmare, as I was taking a shower I got a sharp pain and lots of blood, I knew then I had lost my lil angel. As I rushed to the ER once again and waited 2 hours before I was seen the worst went through my mind, when I was finally seen and told that my fears were a reality and that I had miscarried this pain in my chest the feeling of being powerless to have been abel to done more came over me. The last week has been ups and downs trying to put on a smile for my husband which I feel as if he doesn't understand me ,his comments of "why do you still cry?" Or "what do you gain feeling sad?" I mean I know there's nothing I can so but I did expect at least an hour of his time for understanding . All I really wanted was for him to hold me. I don't know having to go through that alone and still feeling as if I'm still alone and having to hide my pain , makes me doubt that fact ,if he really did want a baby in the first place. I'm sorry for all this I just needed to get it of my chest.