Need to rant....

Bethie • Pregnant after a miscarriage & chemical pregnancy
I'm beyond overwhelmed and consumed with becoming pregnant! Within a year of trying I have miscarried at 8w5d and had a chemical pregnancy at 4w. Everyone around is pregnant or just had their babies! And they all act as if "well it happened for me so it'll happen for you!" You know what "f$@! You!!" Is how I feel.  Yesterday put me over the edge.  I live in Massachusetts and baby doe was identify! Her scum bag mom and bf have been arrested. Her mom had also lost custody of 2 older children in the past! I'm so consumed with why life isn't fair. I'm tried of hearing "stop thinking about and it'll happen?", or people with Children giving their wisdom "it'll happen in time" 😡 sorry ladies had to let it out. My poor husband can't take me ranting anymore. I know he's also trying to deal with his own feelings from the past year.