

I am so confused right now. My LMP has me at 7 weeks 4 days (LMP March 7th 4day periods 28 day cycles, my dpo is an estimate I didn’t use ovulation kits this cycle) I tested positive on April 5th 1 day after an anaphylactic reaction to lovenox (on for genetic blood clotting disorders) they switched me to fondaparinux. On 4/5 (15 dpo) the day I found out my hcg was 74.3 on 4/11 (21 dpo) it was 238.6 4/17 (27 dpo) it was 583.5 they also did an ultrasound on that day i would have been 5 weeks 6 days from My LMP and they said they thought they saw a small sac in my uterus but I’m likely having an embryonic pregnancy. Even gave me the go ahead to go to Disney and ride rides told me not to stop living my life because I was likely going to lose the pregnancy. They scheduled a follow up for me on 4/29 (39 dpo and 7 weeks 4 days) my hcg was 4501.5 and my ultra sound is attached. They said I’m measuring 5 weeks 6 days. And they see a fetal flicker. Told me that it’s not embryonic and I need to return in 2 weeks to see if it’s viable or not. I am absolutely so confused. I went into an office thinking I was scheduling a d&c and now it’s like they are giving hope but I don’t want to take it because I’m still not seeing great outcomes with similar stories. The doctor told me measuring behind didn’t concern him nor did my numbers because in 15-20% of pregnancies you can’t rely on the hcg levels. Has anyone else ever experienced this. It’s so strange I’ve already grieved the loss of this pregnancy and now here I am and they are saying I need to wait just two more weeks to see if it will happen. I’m so drained.