Could I be pregnant?


I had sex on the 17th and he didn’t finish inside of me. I had light spotting on the 24th and 25th I thought I was about to start my period but after those two days, I didn’t have anymore spotting. My period should of started on the 26th and I am now late. My periods are usually crazy and never start on time. I have been bloated and on those 2 days I had lower back pain like a period. I was extremely nauseous yesterday. I’ve been dizzy and I’ve had horrible headaches almost everyday for a week now and I’m craving chocolate which is normal😂 I’ve also had crying spells this weekend and I am normally emotional but I don’t normally cry like I did this weekend lol

I just don’t know. I don’t feel pregnant and these are kinda like my normal signs for my period but the spotting has thrown me off and especially the time period of when we had sex and up till now.

Please help!