Gender reveal fail. Mom-to-be throws a "tantrum".

Mckinzee • Mom of 3 girls. Chloee10/2003, Kallee11/2008, and our rainbow baby Kaydee10/2019

This is my last baby. I have 2 older girls. Never thought I would have more kids. So I was content with my girls. But when I got together with my new hubby and I got pregnant by "surprise" we were over the moon happy.... But we lost that baby in 2017... We tried again but 2 years past and nothing happened. So we gave up and I got a puppy. 1 month later on valentines day I found out I was pregnant. So I LOVE THIS BABY NO MATTER WHAT ITS GENDER!

This video shows my REAL human reaction. Not a progamed robot. I'm not proud of my reaction but it is what it is! My baby girl will see this video and we will laugh at how I was convinced she was a boy.

To the LADIES saying nice things to me

thank you thank you thank you.

I love to hear those stories like mine. ❤

So for all you mom's ranking on me

"how they would never act like that"

I'd like to say THANKS

you guys are the

best robot "mom's"

How amazing is it that you can say such neat things to me...must be because you have NO Feelings being robots and all. Thanks again I'm so glad you took the time to make a stranger feel bad. 👏👏👏👏

UPDATE: Thank you ladies so much for all the wonderful sharing.. My hubby and I are enjoying reading them together and laughing. I never thought my video would be so popular. Its kinda awesome. So thanks again and let's keep the sharing going.😆

Ps. I have never deleted anyone's comments but there was at least 5 ladies who said nasty things about me when I first posted this on day one and that's when I added the part in my post calling them out.

If you don't want your comments deleted by glow or others giving it thumbs down then don't be RUDE. It's very simple.

Thank you and have a lovely day.


So she has been confirmed, definitely girl via ultrasound. And growning strong. Found out I have a low lying placenta so they are gonna watch that. I pray I don't need a C-section. I don't like drugs or needles shoved in my spine so I've always had all my kids naturally without interventions. This worries me a lot but they say I have a 50/50 chance it work out fine...

Almost 23 weeks along now. Baby girl still doesn't have a name and that's driving me nuts.... And nesting mode has begun 👏👏👏👧👶

Thank you all. I love reading your story's and feeling the love ❤and support👏 from my glow community

UPDATE #2 8/24/19

Still no name for this little stinker but growing strong and getting bigger. We had it confirmed my placenta has moved and I no longer have to worry about placental previa. But baby has been so low this whole pregnancy that she has caused my cervix to start funneling so I have to take it easy and wear a brace to lift her off my cervix when I'm up and about...dr said just get her to 34-36 weeks and we are golden! I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow!