What’s the best way for her to have handled the situation?

Lindsay 🌺

My daughter had one of her early intervention appointments today for speech but the lady never showed up to our home. I texted her once she was 20 minutes late, but didn’t get a reply text for another hour. When she eventually texted back, she apologized for not making it, and said that an earlier evaluation she was doing at someone else’s house ran late and she had no cell service there to call and notify me.

I’m not pissed - I realize these things happen, however I am slightly annoyed because I planned my day around this and she never showed.

So what do you think the best way to handle this type of situation would’ve been (if you were the early intervention specialist).

A) not plan any appointments too close together because you never know if one will run late? (This option might not always be possible though if you are very busy working with lots of families).

B) leave the earlier appointment/evaluation - explaining to that parent that you’ll have to finish up at another time because this is taking longer than expected and you have another appointment

C) do what she did - finish with the first appointment and leave the second one hanging (no cell service -remember)

D) something else? Please comment.

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