An odd question


I was called down by my school nurse because one of my teachers said I had a constant oder and wanted to make sure I was okay and I only have two ideas as to what it could be, 1) My cat box (but that doesn't linger on me so doubtful) or 2) my vagina just smells. I sit weirdly and this teacher comes to my desk quiet alot so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case but I can't think of why it's so bad. I've never had sex and I don't have a UTI or Yeast Infection and my birthcontrol doesn't have any of these side effects. I'm 17 and am one year post op on my Uterus for ovarian cysts but I did notice the smell in middle school but chalked it upto the food I ate. The smell just smells strong but not like anything in specific, more like sweat and natural body fluids than anything. Did/does anybody experience/d this type of problem? If so did it resolve itself or did you figure out a way to make it kinda tone down?