Am i pregnant?

Espe • 🙈🍁🐼🌙🏹💛☁️

I finished my period 6 days ago, (I take Diane 35 properly, everyday, for 3 months already). And since then i've had sex a few times and yesterday I had a lot, and after sex i was v v bloated (i'm not sure if it was because i ate before, or maybe you get bloated after a lot of sex or i was hoping i wasn't pregnant...) We usually don't use condoms, I take the pill every day and he makes sure he doesn't cum inside.

Ive puked yesterday but it was just saliva and a bit of food, i've had it before so I thought it was just because i ate a lot or something...

I haven't had any weird discharges,smell or anything, and my bf said it didn't taste like anything (idk if that info was necessary but just in case)

If you need to ask questions you can ask...

It's also not the first time i wondered i was pregnant, the other times i wondered i wasn't..