When does it get easier?!


I’m a first time mum. My baby didn’t have the easiest start. He was premature and was in nicu for several weeks. He was such an easy baby to begin with and just got progressively worse. He is now 15 weeks old.

It’s been confirmed by dr that he is now teething. I feel like I’m not enjoying motherhood. 99% of the time he is not a happy baby. He is always cranky. He won’t sleep unless I hold him so I don’t get sleep or a mental break during the day.

I’m too conscious to leave the house Incase he screams, so im at home alone all week while dad is at work.

I feel trapped and exhausted. Sometimes when he’s crying I just feel so frustrated and annoyed I want to scream. I feel like a bad mum. I want to enjoy my baby and instead I’m just wishing time away.

Everyone keeps saying it gets better ... but when?! I was told I’d see a huge difference at 3 months old but I don’t personally.