
My in laws like to joke around a lot but something they kept saying is really starting to bother me. Whenever we’re with them they are constantly in the “gimme gimme gimme” mode with our baby. They hold him literally the entire time we’re with them besides when I’m breastfeeding him or changing his diaper. I’ve learned that if I put him in the wrap they will only occasionally ask to take him out and hold him. Recently they started saying that because I put him in the wrap, hold him when he cries, and feed him when he starts rooting around and showing hunger signs that I’m “spoiling” him 🙄 Yet, when it comes to them they won’t put him down and get grumpy when I take him back because I want to hold him or they’re overstimulating him. I feel like they don’t really feel like I’m spoiling him, they just don’t like it when they can’t be holding him.