Two week wait after IUI


What have you done after <a href="">IUI</a> to ensure successful results? What have you done to keep your mind busy?

This is my #2nd <a href="">IUI</a> and I blamed myself for a lot of things after my for first unsuccessful <a href="">IUI</a>. Like I went bike riding the after my <a href="">IUI</a> and had extreme nausea I attributed that to not getting pregnant. I didn’t eat well at all and I did not exercise.

It’s crazy how before this journey I made a vision board of what I wanted this year and it was all about our future baby and what I would do this year to get pregnant.

I said I would do the following:

Eat healthy (I started and fell off 🙄 but trying to get back to it) I have to meal prep it’s the only way.

Not stressing anything or anyone including work and the people I work with.

Exercise ( my husband and I started to take walks around the neighborhood but work schedules will start to conflict so I have to find a good in home work our that I can keep up with)

Medication( I didn’t keep up with it enough but I just paid for Glow premium so hopefully I will continue to meditate.

These are all doable I just need to stop making excuses and stop being lazy. But the fertility medication makes me so tired.

Lord I pray help me nourish my body in the right way so that I can bring life into this world. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💛💛💛