intimate deodorant spray ?

back story: so a couple months ago like towards the beginning of the year I decided to start using deodorant spray for my girl down south to smell good because why not and it was all good until i got a UTI. I stopped using it because my mom had told me that it could of been one of the reasons that lead to a UTI. so in my head i was like sure okay.

fast forward to this week, i started to use it again. same one. and yesterday i was peeing a lot and feeling kinda not good down there and this morning i woke up having to run to the bathroom because i was about to pee myself. not ok. it does kind of burn when i pee but it wasn’t like the first time where i almost cried of the pain.

i am sexually active and i do pee after sex and really nothing has happened to me but then when i started to use this spray something happens? is the spray the cause? I also use summers <a href="">eve</a> and i really don’t have any problems with it. it helps a lot keeping her clean but my question here is,

can this intimate deodorant spray give me ANOTHER UTI???? 2 in a year?

has anyone else had this problem before?

is it just this particular brand?

is it the spray that’s doing this or is it just me?

it’s this one if anyone is wondering.