Do you think I could get full custody? Very long

I haven’t even talked to a lawyer yet but I’m going to, I just want to see what everyone thinks. I have a 6 month old son with my now ex boyfriend. since I was pregnant he became abusive. He hit me several times during pregnancy, one of the injuries to my ribs still causes me breathing problems to this day. when my son was 9 days old he put me in a headlock until I passed out with my son in my arms. he’s hit me and choked me. he’s left bruises and injuries that are still healing. The problem is I never went to the doctor.. but I have pictures of the many many bruises and scratches from him. he also hits the dog too, who’s only tried to protect me. my son never got in the middle until recently. First, we were having a fight and he was taking care of the baby and he bit him. I didn’t know until a week later when I saw a bruise on his shoulder. a bite mark. He says it was “just a nibble” but it was a bruise a week later. then last week something bad happened. he threw something at me and it left a cut on my son, a pretty bad cut. That was it and I left. I know I’m ridiculous for staying that long.. I don’t know what was wrong with me. aside from the abuse, he’s not a good father anyway. He scares the shit out of my son, he constantly yells and hits the walls. There are four or five holes in the walls of his house that he bought a year ago. when he gets even the slightest bit stressed he won’t take care of the baby. He gives the baby to me and says “deal with it”. There’s been occasions when he purposely wakes up my sleeping son by making a loud noise or kicking the couch we were laying on just so I would have to “deal with it”. he takes care of him for a very small amount of time each day, and he constantly leaves my son in unsafe places and just passes out on the floor or wherever he pleases without thinking “oh there’s a sign that says DO NOT LEAVE THE BABY ALONE, BABIES HAVE SUFFOCATED”. he’s emotionally scarred my 6 month old son already and he isn’t helpful with taking care of him whatsoever, he pretty much does nothing. I brought up child support to him and he got FURIOUS. he said I don’t get to have his money because I don’t have a job. Well I don’t have a job because I take care of my son all day every day, I’ve never once complained no matter how exhausted, how much pain I was in from him abusing me. if he even had a cramp in his leg he wouldn’t want to take care of the baby. I feel like I’m doing this on my own on top of the fact that I don’t trust my son with that abusive piece of shit, but without getting full custody I feel like I have no choice to let him be in his life. do you think I have a case to get FULL custody here? And if I get full custody, is child support still in the question? Along with photos of the injuries and bruises, I also have a lot of recordings I recorded without him knowing of him screaming at me and hurting me and saying he’s gonna kill me. I plan to go to school and get a job someday in the future but I’m not ready with my son this young.

I forgot to mention my biggest worry is that my family is by no means rich. His family has a lot of money, I’m worried that my case isn’t good enough to win because they can just win with money or something.. ugh