Biggest fear finally happened..


I got in a wreck this morning on my way to school. My brakes failed and my emergency brake didn’t work either so very very strange. But I panicked, and jumped out of my car going 35 or so and rolled into the road and literally almost got hit. My car kept going and went straight into the woods. Just gonna take some time and thank God I am not dead. 💗😢

Last picture is of my butt lol


I was going downhill. There wasn’t much I could have done, just letting everyone know because there’s been a lot of people saying “well you should have done this” well when you’re going through that, it’s hard to actually think of what to do cause you’re panicked and terrified. But thank you to everyone for telling me to get better, it’s very much appreciated.

Edit #2:: omg I never thought I’d get so many comments. Thank you all so so much, I’m doing a lotttttt better I feel almost like it never happened I’m definitely recovering very quickly. Thank you so so much to everyone it really means a lot to me 💗💗💗💗