Miscarried last night

Hi ladies, I just wanted to share my experience with you to let you know you are not alone and you will get through this. I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks, a dream I have wished for, for a very long time finally came true. Our little miracle. I had my first ultrasound last Thursday at 7 1/2 weeks, and my doctor said our little gummy bear looked amazing and healthy. Miscarriage is something I feared every day and did everything in my power including eating only organic food, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, you name it. I made sure to give my body and my baby something from each food group every day. I went on walks every day and basically did everything in my power to give this baby everything it needed. Everything was going amazing. This past weekend I noticed I was spotting brown blood, something my doctor told me was completely normal. I started having cramps, and the cramps got worse very similar to a bad period cramp. I didn’t think anything of it until I started bleeding red blood basically like I started my period. I then told my mate we should probably go to the ER to get it checked. I knew something wasn’t right. It was in the ER that we cried together and accepted the fact that we were losing our baby. I went in for an ultrasound (8 weeks pregnant at this point) and sure enough the doctor told us there was no heart beat. I was absolutely devastated but knew God had bigger plans for us. This was the beginning of my miscarriage. I just want you all to know that having an MC is completely out of our control even if we are doing EVERYTHING right. Be easy on yourselves and know it wasn’t your fault. We plan to try again after my body heals. Just a little message of positivity for those who have suffered losing a baby. Listen to your body if you think something isn’t right. Good luck to you all. ❤️