Diagnosed as premenopausal

Regan • Finally blessed with our rainbow baby after 13 years of TTC. She is now 3 and we would love to give her a sibling!

I need to get this off my chest... So my gyno diagnosed me as being premenopausal because my hormone levels are super duper low. He told me it was more than likely due to all of the fertility treatments I did in 2010 burning my ovaries out ☹️ He prescribed me a compounded natural hormone replacement cream and told me to use it daily. He said that it would not affect me trying to get pregnant because it is "natural". I have tried to do as much of my own research as possible and I keep coming across information saying that progesterone can suppress ovulation and that's why it is usually only used from cycle day 14 until you start your period. I recorded my entire doctor's appointment with my gyno and I went back and listened to it last night. I specifically asked if my progesterone level was indicative of ovulation. His reply was if I'm having regular menstrual cycles then I am ovulating. That is a very incorrect statement and I was actually shocked that he said it but I wasn't about to call him out. There are all sorts of women who are regular that have ultrasounds and blood work done to find out that they are NOT ovulating. That one statement makes me question everything else he has told me. I decided to go ahead and schedule a phone consult with my old RE because I'm very curious what he has to say about the hormone cream and trying to conceive. I will say I feel SO much better since starting the cream on April 23rd. The difference in my mood and energy levels has been unbelievable!!! Despite my gynecologist claiming that the cream won't affect my cycle, so far, I beg to differ. I got a LH surge on day 8 instead of my usual day 11 and my temperatures have been way elevated and I have had zero fertile cervical mucus and that NEVER happens. I'm 39 and want nothing more in the world than to give my 2 year daughter a sibling. How amazing it would be to be able to get pregnant one more time and put all of this trying to conceive nonsense behind me!!! Ugh, it took me 13 years to get pregnant with my daughter and now I have been trying to give her a sibling for the last year+. I just want this chapter of my life to be done and over with! I have endometriosis and adenomyosis and I specifically asked my gyno if using this hormone cream is going to make either of those worse and he said it's definitely a possibility😭 Ok, venting session over. Now I gotta wait 'til May 20th for my phone consult with my RE. It's gonna be a long few weeks 😜