I feel so low after miscarriage...

Why was it me when I'm a good person? Why has all my bullies from school got children and had successful pregnancies. I know a woman that's smoking weed and I should be the same time as her and she's still smoking! All I'm seeing is pregancy and babies everywhere since I miscarried last month. I blame my miscarriage on the stress of my job.. even though people say that wasn't the cause it was a defect chromosone... bullshit! I don't know what I want to do job wise. I'm at my wits end with life and I've lost interest in everything. I don't know what to do with myself at all. My world was amazing then crashed so quickly when we lost last month 😓😫 I can't just quit my job as it's not that simple and when I look for jobs I just don't know what to do. Going into any job will make me miserable. I want something that will give me a purpose in life as I don't feel I have a purpose at all. I'm feeling worse than last month. Could this be PTSD?