I need someone to tell me to ignore it and move on!!

My husbands family is AWFUL. They are all trying to start crap with me because I want nothing to do with them. My husbands been in therapy dealing with his abusive childhood and his family is not happy that I’ve learned things about them. His verbally abusive mother to this day, how he walked in on her cheating on his dad, then married the guy and had new children pretty much abandoning my husband among a whole cluster fuck of other stuff. His sister is really bad into drugs and tries to get my husband to give her money. So we just want nothing to do with them and our children. Well they all have something to say about it and they got really nasty with me. I said stuff back and it just made them even angrier and meaner, even saying stuff about how my children shouldn’t have been born.

Today, I finally here from his mother. She’s getting nasty saying I shouldn’t speak about anything, she’s not horrible, he deserved what she did to him blah blah blah.

I REALLY want to say something, especially cause he never defends himself. But I know it will just start up more shit of them threatening to hurt me and what not. Someone tell me to just ignore it and move on 🤯🤯🤯 or should I tell her to leave me alone??