Recurrent Miscarriages After Tubal Reversal

Am I the only one who has had recurrent miscarriages after their reversal... long story short I have had two healthy pregnancies, the last one being 9 years ago. It always took me some time to get pregnant approximately 3 years of trying for my boys buttttt I never had a miscarriage. I went through a very rough marriage that was verbally/physically abusive and ended up get a tubal litigation... regretfully. Then I met my amazing husband and decided to get a reversal and we have had 5 miscarriages in 3 years since our reversal... I don’t get it... anyone else go through the same thing... I just want answers and the docs aren’t telling me anything but the obvious, and I really want to stop breaking my husbands heart, my own spirit, and have a baby with him. I’m beyond stressed. We don’t have kids together and he really wants his own. Please tell me someone has been through this before and has some kind of reference to go off of...