1st ultrasound and I cried! ❤️😭❤️🥰


So I went to my 1st ultrasound today. And I was so nervous wreck all week. Just thinking of the baby is okay. They called me to the back and the tech said that she has to do a transvaginal ultrasound. (Never had one before) so she leaves the room and I got undressed put the pink paper over my legs. I started to really get nervous. All I wanted to hear was a heartbeat. So she inserted the probe and whaalaaa a tiny little bean on the screen. And then i saw the baby’s heart flickering and I lost it! She then turned the volume on and heard the baby’s heartbeat and omg more tears started to come down. My little baby is okay, strong heartbeat 151 bpm and measuring exactly 7 weeks! ❤️