breastfeeding, formula, soild foods

Wendy • whisperskeep

Any suggestions?

I straight pump, I work 4 days a week, hours random. I tend to punp every 4-9hours. My son is 4.5months and eats 1tbs of oatmeal and sweet potato a day. Going to do 1tbs oatmeal (breakie and dinner) and the potato for lunch.However he is eating a lot more, I can no longer keep up, my stockpile is no more. I'm tired and annoyed of pumping, machine not work, parts going moldy, sore nipples. I'm scared to stop pumping due to pain. He won't take formula, and I know he is too young to go on 100% solid. So the questions are

1) What would you do?

2) Any suggestion on formula that picky babies will take

3) Should I stop breast feeding?

Please help

I use an Evenflo Double Pump with pumping bra, and a medlia hand pump while between clients.