Could I be nearing labor?

Ann • Very happily married💍Beautiful baby girl💗

I’m 39+2 weeks with my first baby.

For like 6 days I’ve been getting period-like cramps. Nothing unbearable, but they alternate between my abdomen and lower back.

Lots of pressure in my hips.

I’ve been getting quick rounds of nausea for the past 3 or 4 days. They’re super random, sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the evening.

For the past 2 days I’ve had frequent and loose “movements”💩

Today after using the bathroom I have a very small yellowish blob on the toilet paper.

I had an appointment yesterday where my doctor checked my cervix and he said I’m closed but she’s RIGHT THERE.

She’s been pretty active today.

I went on two walks today, one this morning (just over 1.5 miles) and one this evening (not sure on the distance but it was about 15 to 20 minutes). I’m doing squats randomly throughout the day to help open me up also.

I’m trying not to think too much about it but I’m getting so excited to meet our daughter!