baby boy birth


reading all these birth stories has made me nostalgic about the day my little was born so i wanted to share my birth story.

i had a very uneventful pregnancy, baby was healthy and measuring perfectly. i was due March 1! i had been having contractions for almost a full week at this point but i was only 1cm dilated so no baby yet. February 26 i worked a 9 hour shift and went home to sleep. at 4:27am February 27 i woke up to what i though was me peeing myself. went to the bathroom and sat down and a bunch of water gushed out. i text my mom, told her my water broke (she lives 4 hours away) and went to wake my husband. we packed our bags (i didn’t ever pack my hospital bag early oops) and when we left the house around 6ish the contractions were getting painful enough that i couldn’t walk when they were happening. we checked into l&d at 6:37am and i was 3cm! yay!! my l&d nurse was the absolute best nurse i could have asked for. i wanted a natural birth but shit was getting painful lol finally after bouncing on the yoga ball and my husband letting me squeeze his hand (rip) i had had enough. i called the nurse in to get the epidural and she said she had to check me first. at 9:15am i was 9cm! the nurse informed me i was too far to get the epidural, which i was very grateful for. i know i could do it without the medicine. got checked again around 10am and was 9.5cm! almost there! i wanted to push so bad, my body wanted to more than anything. but baby’s head was still caught on my cervix and i couldn’t or i’d risk a c-section (i’m TERRIFIED of surgery). my nurse stayed with me through every single contraction i had from the time i checked in to when i pushed my baby’s fat head out. she held my hand and was honestly the only reason i didn’t have a c-section. to told me “if you’re breathing you aren’t pushing” so every contraction i had i focused on my breathing. the want to push was so overwhelming. FINALLY he fully dropped into the birth canal and i could start pushing!! after 30 minutes of pushing so hard i popped blood vessels in my arm, at 10:56am my baby was born. when they laid him in my chest it was like nothing else existed. it was just me and him and the birds chirping outside the window. i was so in awe of him. he was beautiful. SO much hair. i couldn’t believe he was here.

February 27, 2019


8lbs7oz 21 1/4 inches long

Hendrix Grey

p.s. in january my husband and i wrote down the day we though H would be born on a sticky note and stuck it to the laundry room door. he picked march 6. and i picked February 27! my lil man came on the day i picked! (hubby is still salty lol)