I don’t know what to do at this point advice please


December 28th found out i was pregnant i told my boyfriend....i went to go visit him and his family for New Years . He had been freaking out about the whole situation and ditched us (we already have a 3yr old) so i spent it with his mom side of the family.... i guess later in the night he got into an argument with his mom his mom didn’t want him at the house and told me to tell him i did. He was drunk and so heated he told his mom i was pregnant in a text . I broke down crying i was lost of words she was disappointed we talked about “options” the following day the only option she offered was abortion and willing to pay for it. I agreed but deep down i couldn’t do it i didn’t know how to tell her. Eventually i did she was furious and said i was selfish i didn’t understand how when i would go out of my way to drive my daughter to spend time with them on weekends (they live in Wisconsin 2hrs away) i did develop i close relationship with her as well as the rest of his family...she told me to remove her and all her family from social media and wanted to do nothing with me i still offered to drop off my daughter so they can spend time with her she refused and wanted nothing to do with me then i got messages from my baby daddy saying she was finding away to get my daughter taken away from me... but how I’m not a horrible mother i work go to school and my parents helped me until i finish school .... i was trying to get an order of protection against him and his mom but when the officer said it can last up to two years by heart just sank couldn’t do it

I ignored there messages eventually they gave up i reached out to my daughters dad in end of March i needed his support more then ever everything was fine until he asked when can i see my daughter i said you can but your family can’t he told me to think about it last time any of them saw her was January 3rd ..his mom constantly lashes out on him because she hasn’t seen her granddaughter which then causes him to lash out at my blaming me ...later everything seemed good we planned a trip to the dells for May made the reservation in April ....last week he started to lash out on me because of his mom again we haven’t really been talking until today he said this....

First off all My intention isn’t to control anyone ...he has no rights ....since she has been born he has given me less then $2000 for her and child support has been taking so long... any advice?

Seems like he is willing to work things out but the only way it will work is having his family see her