Labor/Birth announcements...


Ok sooooo this is going to be a long story but I'll try to keep it short 🤦

When I go into labor (or schedule my C-section as may be) we plan on calling my mom and/or dad (to pass on the news to my immediate family). We also plan on giving a heads up to a few close friends. We're unsure of whether we should call my boyfriend's family (this is where things get complicated).

So, his family knows full and well I'm pregnant (they saw it on Facebook). He had tried calling his dad, step mom and grandma multiple times. Nobody ever answered and he didn't feel right leaving a voicemail saying "hey we're having a baby." For the past two years, his family will message me on Facebook to have him call them (pull a whole guilt trip "he never calls his family" bullshit) and then they won't answer his calls or call back when he attempts to call. He tried calling again when we found out the gender, again no answer or call back from any of them. His step mom messaged me on Facebook (which he also has by the way, but they all removed him) and said "Due to your new circumstances it would be nice if Matt would call his family." Literally 5 minutes after I got the message he attempted to call all three of them again. And answer, no call back.

Now I'm 31 weeks and we're discussing whether we should call them when I go into labor/have the baby or not. Also whether we should send a birth announcement/pictures to them in the mail. I said that I think he should call them when the baby is born, and just leave a voicemail saying "your grandson was born today" and hang up. I also don't want to send them pictures. My feelings are "If you want to see your grandson, come look at him." My boyfriend agrees (and doesn't even want to bother calling) but my mom said that I'm being petty. I don't think it's petty, his family lives 2 hours away and his dad is literally in our town like twice a week. They also know our address and phone numbers. And it's not like we haven't tried to include them....

I don't know...should I send pictures of the baby, or should I let them pull their heads out of their butts and actually make an attempt? This whole thing has my emotions all over the place. I've never seen a family act this way before.