Input on joint birthday parties??

KK • A busy momma of 4 👶🏼. who works hard 💉. Is a travel feen. loves ☕️ , 💪🏼 🏋🏼‍♀️and her 2 😻. While loosing sleep to spend endless hours on glow. 💁🏼‍♀️

My daughters birthday is August 16 she’ll be 2. my oldest sons birthday is September 13 he’ll be 7. the new baby will be born around October 11, and and my other sons birthday is November 24 he’ll be 4.

If you ever had a joint birthday party with a sibling or relative did you like it? I feel like this would work out best for us and our families. 😂 so we don’t expect everyone to attend 4 parties all a month apart. We would probably do an August party for our daughter and our oldest, and then an October party for our new little babe and our middle son. I just don’t want to rob my children of any fun experiences for themselves. But I’ve never had to have a joint party as a kid so idk if I would have liked it or not. 😬