Weight gain- feeling uncomfortable with my body!


Hi ladies!

Just wanted to know if anyone is feeling something similar to me right now.

I’m 18 weeks and 4 days. I have gained 15 pounds since I got pregnant. I’m 5 feet tall - weighed 114 pre pregnancy and am now currently weighing 129. I have never been this big before. It’s sad because I am not feeling like I look pregnant right now- I feel like I’m gaining everywhere and just look fat.

It’s even worse that people keep telling me “are you sure you’re not having a girl because you’re gaining everywhere”? (FYI we are having a boy and I’m so excited) . Or they’ll say “oh wow look how much weight you’ve gained you’re only 5 months- you’re going get even bigger”. I have never felt so uncomfortable with my body. I am so blessed to know there’s a baby boy growing inside of me but I am feeling sad about how I am looking on the outside.

I have brought this up to my husband because it truly has been bothering me. When I started to cry he told me it’s just my hormones and I’m being super sensitive to what other are saying to me. He always tell me I am beautiful the way I am no matter the changes and says that I shouldn’t be focusing on the negative but the positive and that we have a baby on the way.

I really had to get this off my chest. Can anyone else relate? 😢