Work sadness


I’ve been working at a nursing home for about 2 months and honestly I feel like an old woman. I’m only 17 and having this job makes me feel bitter, tired and plain ol sad! Waking up everyday at 5am is so tiring and the funny part is I HAVENT GOTTEN USED TO IT! I can’t take naps or else I’ll be up all night. I dont have a car so im constantly relying on other people for transportation which makes me feel like a burden and a bum. I cant really live my life anymore cuz im always stressing about getting to and from work when I’m not at work and making sure im getting enough sleep. I havent even had the time to spend with my boyfriend or friends. I just want my life back. I’m too scared to quit because last time I was unemployed for over a year trying to find a job and no one wanted to hire me and I can’t not have an income. I just dont know what to do, sometimes i feel like i dont even want to exist anymore😔