Mint in Tea! (To manage nausea and othe diet tips)


My nausea is mild to moderate but pretty constant if I’m not doing anything to manage it, just like with my first (which is annoying but probably best cause it could be worse and my second pregnancy ended in loss and had mild symptoms plus spotting). I’m paranoid though cause I remember now this is how started my 50lb weight gain with my first(though it was more a regain since I lost about 60lb the year before conception). I never lost that weight and added on a little more since and so definitely don’t need to do it again since I’m already so overweight. So I’m extra conscious about what I’m using to manage the nausea, cause the 10-20 calories of a mint or cracker adds up when you always seem to need something. I discovered yesterday that I can make my own mint tea (I still want caffeine but coffee is out of the question and I’m trying to avoid pop) by putting 2 black tea bags, 16oz water and about 3 mints. I can drink this constantly (would only make with black tea in am though) and help almost quell the nausea for only about 60 calories. And doesn’t taste too bad (especially with peppermints which I did yesterday, but today’s wintermints I had to use since we ran out of the other still works). Prepopped popcorn might be my other staple, so I do t feel like I have to eat the whole bag but can spread the salty calories out. Goldfish too, but popcorn spreads farther I think. I’m using protein bars, cottage cheese, cashews, and different forms of cream cheese to help keep protein when I can’t stomach meat. Any diet tricks that work for you?