More than a tantrum?

My daughter is 17 months old and was diagnosed with an ear infection yesterday. She’s had many ear infections and was prescribed the same medication that cleared it up last time. Everything seemed fine until I told her she couldn’t have popcorn after her nap. She started to throw a tantrum and I left to put the popcorn away. When I came back she was still on the floor screaming and looked stiff with her head to the side. When I picked her up she was still stiff and eventually loosened up and immediately went into a dazed state.

I’m a worrier so of course I panicked and cried (I’m also 17 weeks pregnant).

Could it maybe be a side effect to the dose of medication she is getting?

Terrified it was a small seizure and I really don’t want to believe it was but nothing else seems to make sense with her becoming dazed after.

I messaged her doctor about it but I just want to know if other people have gone through similar experiences.