So this happened


So I am 27 and my boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive for about 6 months. I seriously thought it wasn’t ever going to happen. I thought something was wrong with me and/or my boyfriend because prior to trying we used the pull out method for 4 years and never got pregnant. But I was 3 days late today and I’m one of those girls who are on time every month but Im the type of girl that takes a test even if I’m one day late or haven’t started by the morning. I seriously didn’t think I’d get this result today because I’ve been having what I thought to be my pre-period cramps and feeling like bleh the last day or two. But I was like ehh I’ll take a test anyways. I’m still in disbelief and I plan to take another one once I get home(I’m at work). I’m not sure what to even tell my boyfriend and I’m sure I’m counting my chickens before they hatch. I just hope this isn’t a trick and that I am pregnant. I’m still waiting for me to wake up and it do be not true.