Pregnant! ❤️


So last night I found out that I was pregnant. After taking so many tests that turned out negative the past couple of months I didn’t think anything of it when I missed my period. I had missed a whole week and my fertile days were coming up. But in the past, I had missed my period for 2 weeks before due to stress, so I thought it could be stress. My stomach had been cramping a lot and I had spotted for like a day so I thought that I was about to get my period. But I went to the store and got a test anyway because my bf suggested that I might be pregnant. So I get home around 9:15 and he’s dead sleep 😂 and I told him to wake up so that when I take the test we can both see the results at the same time. He said to just wake him up when it was ready. Out of anticipation, I almost looked at the test so I had to cover it up with the paper so I didn’t see it first. Then when it was ready, I woke him up and right before we looked at it, I said it was probably gonna be negative because it’s been negative for a while. And to my surprise, it confirmed that I was pregnant ❤️ We’re so excited but nervous because twins run in both of our families but that’s my story how did you find out you were pregnant?