Hope after miscarriage


My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 5 weeks pregnant. Then 2 years later I got pregnant again and it resulted in my 1.5 year old son. This year in February I got pregnant and heard baby’s heartbeat... then I started bleeding and learned I was having a miscarriage. I was 6 weeks pregnant. Then in March I had a chemical pregnancy. And now... after all that I just got this... at 9dpo. I want to get excited but my heart knows better. So I’m cautiously hopeful. God has a plan... he knows what’s best. I know it’s hard... so very hard to watch everyone around you get pregnant with no problems but let me tell you what we have.. we have hope. We have the hope that tells us there’s still a chance. It’s going to happen. Ladies, listen to that hope! Hang on tight to it because it’s truth! I hope each and every one of you ladies read this and feel encouraged if even for a moment 💕