Do not know what to think

I'm starting to feel very depressed. Starting to think there is a problem with me and maybe I can't have kids. I'm 29 I will be 30 in February. I know I've been on birth control most of my life but I've only been pregnant once and that was a year and a half ago and I miscarried at ten weeks. I have been trying with my boyfriend for 3 months and nothing. I know these things take some time but being that its my age and it hasn't happened before I'm really starting to worry. My boyfriend's been tested and he's all good to have kids so that leaves me. I guess the reason I'm going to feel depressed is because all of my friends are pregnant and now I'm seeing babies and I just want to cry everytime I see one. What if I never can have a kid? Probably all in my head and I'm just worried but I just really want one and it's getting to the point then just feeling very depressed about it. My boyfriend and me have sex every other day. Does anybody have any ideas of what I could use to try and get pregnant? I know some people can take years to get pregnant or not even be able to do and I'm really scared to go in to find out if the reason we can't get pregnant is because of me but my boyfriend really wants me to go and to see. What if it is not the answer I want to hear? I'm really scared! Feel little better I just needed to vent