need opinions

so my son is going to be 2 months old on monday. i can’t believe time has gone by so fast. well, the past two months, 24/7, i’ve been doing everything almost on my own. i live with my mom still but she works from 7am-7pm so she doesn’t get home until night and most of the time she’s in bed within an hour of coming home. my boyfriend works from 8-5 but he is only here every other night and he has to sleep through the night to be up for work so i’m still the one who gets up during the night to feed and change him. and so basically i’ve have very little help and i’m so behind on sleep i’ve felt like i was having mental breakdowns bc of it sometimes 😴 my mom offered to take my baby this weekend to visit family and i can stay home and sleep. he would be gone friday and saturday night. i’m so sad and scared of him leaving me for two nights. but i also could really use the time to sleep and relax. i’m so torn. i know its only two nights but i would miss him so much. would it make me a bad mom if i let her take him? will he forget who i am being away for two nights? ugh pls help lol