Need to Vent

So long story short, my dad is severely emotionally abusive and physically abusive. But I grew up around him and as a child trusted him despite what he did to me and my sister. We are now estranged. When I was 15 he took my to my first gynecologist visit. My test results were back a couple weeks later when my dad called to tell me I had herpes, both oral and genital. I was devastated. I was ridiculed in high school and humiliated to the point that I chose to switch schools. He gave me Valtrex from my stepmoms prescription. I had to have the awkward "I have herpes" conversation with all my previous and future sex partners. Now that I'm pregnant and I really want a vaginal birth, I decided at 18 weeks it was finally time to ask for the test. I needed to prepare myself for a possible c-section. My test results came back negative for both oral and genital. I thought they might as I'd never had an outbreak, but I am still shocked that my own dad would lie about that. I'm glad that I'm healthy and my baby can be delivered vaginally, but hurt and pissed that I've lived a lie for almost 10 years.