Vasectomy care


My husband and I are in the most [Edited by Glow] fight over a vasectomy right now. We’re both in agreement that he should get one, but he’s deploying within 4 weeks and he will be gone until November. On the boat he will not have access to quality healthcare and I’m concerned that the vasectomy will cause problems. He called to schedule the appointment but I told him to make sure he lets them know he is set to deploy so soon, just in case they arent allowed to do it so soon before deployment. He didn’t. He set up the appointment for the 17th which will mean that he will deploy some time within 2 weeks of the procedure. My concern is that he won’t be able to make any follow up appointments, or have any health care incase something goes wrong with it. There is no rush for him to get it done and I’m totally fine with waiting until he gets home to do it. He says he just doesn’t want to wait and wants to get it done now. I’m really worried that something is going to go wrong and he won’t have adequate healthcare on the boat. For those of you that have had a husband go through the procedure, do you think he will have enough time to heal before he is supposed to heal? Is the recovery easy enough that I shouldn’t worry much?