Would you use a nanny/babysitting service overseas?



If you went on a family holiday to another country, would you use a babysitting or nanny service over there?

I’m part of a Facebook group and some lady asked for recommendations overseas. She wants a date night alone with her husband away from the kids. I mentioned that I wouldn’t trust it and I’m being ripped apart lmao

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Posted at
Hell to the fuck no. I barely trust strangers in my own country to watch my kid.


Chardonnay • May 3, 2019


Pa • May 3, 2019
Girl SAME!!


Posted at
I can’t think of a reason I’d want childcare on a family vacation. For the sake of argument though, maybe. If it was a reputable agency and I was in a country where I had a good idea of child welfare laws and cultural norms. I don’t see how hiring a professional childcare worker would be any more of a risk in the UK, Australia, Canada, etc than it would be in the US. I wouldn’t hire a stranger in an area I didn’t speak the language, or have a firm grasp on child care norms though. What an odd thing to attack you over. 🙄


Posted at
"Lets take a FAMILY vacation and dump the kids off with a sitter so we can go out"No.


gj • May 4, 2019
Not really. Go out when you're home. Don't take a family vacation and dump half the family off.


co • May 4, 2019
Makes perfect sense. Imagine wanting ONE night with your spouse without being disrupted . Kids don’t stop you from being married. Plus a lot of resorts offer child care


bianca • May 3, 2019
RIGHT. Makes no sense and if you leave them alone like the McCann girl.


Posted at
I wouldn't even consider it. They're ripping you apart for what? Being smart, and putting your vulnerable child's safety before your own pleasure? Omg can you imagine the nanny/baby sitter disappearing with your baby?? Oh my word I just got a stomach ache thinking about it.


Posted at
I don't even allow strangers to watch them in my own house, there's ZERO chance I'd allow it in a different country.


Posted at
I don’t think so. My husband and I were at a resort in Mexico a few months ago, our kids stayed behind with my parents. We wanted to have alone time. I remember walking passed the child care room thinking about how much fun my oldest would have in there. It looked very professional and welcoming, once it came down to it though, I really don’t think I could leave my child there. Crazy stuff happens all the time. Although Id probably say a child care centre at a 5 star resort is maybe a little more trustworthy than some random babysitter you found online. Either way, I don’t think I would go for it. If I’m talking my kids on vacation with me I want to spend time with them. If not I wouldn’t bother talking them at all.


{} • May 3, 2019
*Taking *Taking 🤦🏼‍♀️


Posted at
Fuck no. I don’t even trust anyone in my country to do that. No one watches my kids, but family.

Posted at
Yes, if it’s from an agency that thoroughly vets their people. When I used a nanny, I went through an agency and loved it. So I’d do the same overseas. As it is, we’ve discussed paying for someone to come with us on our next vacation to keep an eye on the kiddos for about 1-2 hours a day. I can understand wanting one nice dinner with your spouse during a vacation.

🎀 𝒯 𝓇 𝒾 𝓃 𝒾 𝓉 𝓎 🎀 • May 3, 2019
I’ll add: I have used the daycare services on a cruise before with no guilt 🤷🏻‍♀️ my daughter had a blast, the workers were very friendly and professional, and my husband and I got some adult time for a couple hours


Posted at
It depends, I'm a qualified childcare worker and while I chose not to work abroad several people I trained and qualified alongside did go to other countries. They had exactly the same level of training as me and held the same qualification, they all went through agencies who specifically deal with providing childcare in other countries so anybody who used them for their children were just as safe as if they hired the same person in the U.K. A few worked for Nannies Abroad, a couple went with Camp America, and others through well known travel agencies where they ran a "kids club" individual staff were also able to be booked for babysitting/nannying.


Posted at
Lots of people hire nanny’s from other countries that come to the states to work. So why wouldn’t you find an agency in another country so you can have a date night. As long as you get them I would do it.