6 week appointment


Let me start by saying, when I was 13 I was diagnosed with depression. I was medicated for a long time and came off of medication when I was ready Around 10-12 years later. I'm well aware of the signs for me and possible triggers.

When I had my 6w appt yesterday they make you take that screening on how your feeling. Well I was honest and I scored a little high which were her exact words. She then went through each question that I answered and asked me about them but when I explained them to her, I felt she was twisting responses to Make them seem worse than how things actually were.

I assured her that even though I scored high, I'm still feeling pretty good most of the time and it's just been a tough week. She tried to put me on medication and since I refused, more I have to go back in 2 weeks.... kinda annoyed with her to say the least because how she was acting honestly caused me to be even more depressed and anxious because now my poor husband thinks it's his fault and that he hasn't been helping me enough which is definitely not true, he's has been wonderful for our entire relationship of 5 years and his care and attentiveness hasn't wavered.

Sorry for the long rant but had to get that off my chest...