Low dose OI/IUI cycle without monitoring

Catherine • TTC #1 @37 via IUI/IVF

Wondering if my RE will let me do Letrozole + a low dose of my leftover Gonal-f next cycle, without the every-other-day ultrasounds/bloodwork. Not nearly enough bang for the buck, considering I don’t have any apparent ovulation issues.


I have done many <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycles with Letrozole, never more than 2 follies, only 1 little cyst one time. Always had at least 1.

Past cycle did not get more than 2 mature follies with Letrozole+Gonal f

I’m an hour and half away from my clinic

I have no fertility insurance coverage and saving for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

So will this fly? Have any of you done minimal monitoring during a medicated cycle w/injections?