preschool/teachers being rude

just want some input on this.

i’ll try to make it short as i can..

so what had happened was 🐸☕️

i just started working at a preschool ages 3-5. in the 3 year olds class i know a lot of the kids parents, i would say maybe 6 or 7 of them. so my daughters daycare teacher happens to be the grandmother of one of the children in that 3 year old room.. she did mention to me that her granddaughter was telling her son (the kids dad) that her teacher said she STINKS and she doesn’t like the way she smells and that she tells her everyday. so the poor baby would get home everyday and want to shower because her teacher would say she’s stinky and she wouldn’t let her ham put lotion on anymore because her teachers says bad stuff to her. she said that to me to maybe to see if i spill the beans and tell her yeah i heard that.. i heard something similar to that but it was about a DIFFERENT kid. so what i told her, keeping in mind parent confidentiality, to consider asking the teacher if that’s true because if we as teachers are not allowed wear perfumes and lotions with fragrance then maybe neither are the kids? maybe if it’s true she can stop putting that on her or get to the bottom of it .. so she did do just that she went and told the teacher and now the office and the two teachers who were involved ASSUME it was me. my BOSS literally said ‘something has been brought to our attention about something only YOUD know about’ ... she also backed the teacher up by saying ‘the child that the complaint came from does not even speak’ mind you she’s not in the classes long enough to prove that thy kid does not speak.

my daughter will be in that same classroom coming august and i’m terrified .. i don’t know what to do. i’ve heard worse things said and i’m just stuck on how i should go about it.. i love the job but i’m definitely not liking what i’m seeing with the teachers

but her being a teacher herself i’m glad she stuck up for her granddaughter because not many people know the rules like that.

advice ? should i have handled differently ?

let me make it clear that i confessed of what happened between her and i and what exactly was said. they think/assume that i personally went to the grandma and said ‘they’re saying your kid stinks’

Also she doesn’t stink, they don’t like the smell of her lotion