Holding on to a relationship with no feelings


Me and my partner havent been together that long a year and some months , we are expecting our first child together in some weeks. I feel the feelings are gone ive been trying since October last year since i stopped working. Ive posted before about him having bad hygiene for awhile but hes finally straighten up even up not being responsible and handling business.

(A little background )( first problem)

We moved in with my mom because we couldnt get approved another house because he broke a lease and it went on his credit , ive told him over & over call to handle it and he just says i know i know but never gets done.

(2nd Problem )

He has another daughter but they live in Oklahoma where hes from. When we first got together i was told by his whole family she was keeping him from her & me and my mom would tell him put yourself on child support so you can have visitation. When he first talk to the mother on the phone around me she said he could see her but she had to be there since hadnt seen her since December 2017 baby girl was only like 7 months so I understood but he puts no process into trying to see her hes tried to take off work and i guess hes got declined but im like keep trying i hate were having a kid and you have a whole another kid that your not around hes even around my 4 year old son. Me and his daughters mother have spoken we are cordial we want our kids in each others lives to.

I just feel my feelings have left him ive broken up with him twice first time he tried to make a lie up and was like he was taking car from me and moving out of town there was nothing here for me & im like dude im having your kid. Ive told him he acts so immature and it just ugh me