Today I am kicking him out

I have officially had enough of being 3rd 4th or 5th best in our marriage.

Last night like many other nights in the past he went to the local for one.... never came home.

Promised me multiple times and swore on peoples graves he wouldnt drink again but went out and done the same.

Because he is so terrible with money we keep ours seperate, he lost his job. Knob head here bailed him out. I put one of my bills to be withdrawn from our joint account, it has been paid religiously. He has withdrew the fucking money.

He has no means to re imburse me.

I am so fucked off right now.

I cannot trust him with anything.

He fucks up a few days later says how great he feels and he loves me etc we have sex then literally night after we have sex.... boom back to fucking it up.

I am so glad I do not have any children with him right now.

I am sorry if this doesnt make sense i am just so fucking angry.