Baby Eating Patterns While Out All Day


Does anybody else have issues with their little one eating while out all day? My son is 10.5 months old and not the greatest with table food but still enjoys his purées and bottles most of the time. Since I’m a stay at home mom we usually are home most of the day but we do go on errands and to a baby group twice a week. If we do go out he usually naps (always falls asleep in the car) and eats right before we leave the house so if we’re out for a couple hours it’s not a big deal. Yesterday though I planned a whole day out with my mom and sister. We left the house at 7:30 am and got back around 6:30 pm. The entire time my son only drank 2 ounces! He had 2-4 oz purée pouches and a granola bar as well but every time I thought he’d want a bottle and made his usual 4 oz bottle he refused! I know he’s not dehydrated after just one day like that and when we got home he took a 6 ounce bottle before bed and still slept his usual through the night. When we’re home all day together he usually has a 4 oz bottle every 3 hours. He just cut another tooth within the past 2 days so I’m thinking maybe that’s why? Today we’re planning to be out for a while as well so I’m pushing as much formula as I can before we the leave the house. Does anyone else’s baby go through this? Eating better in the comfort of home? Here’s a pic of my little guy, sorry for the long post!