Help? Anybody experienced this?


Im going to try to describe this the best i can so bare with me...

So when i am 19 weeks and i have a 8 month old so things were back to back here as far as pregnancy goes. When i was a few weeks pregnant i started getting this weird sensation sometimes painful under my right breast that i thought could be my gallbladder, which i had ultrasound the last time i was pregnant and they said it was just a little enlarged due to pregnancy. So when i told my dr about it again around 13w she didn’t seem to concerned because other than the mild pain there was no other symptoms. So now here i am 19 weeks and i still get this sensation but now with no pain. I like to describe it how it felt when my son would push his foot up and leave it in one spot. The area sometimes feels like movement and it gets hard and then softens but mind you its been like this since early pregnancy and even now the baby is still to small to even reach that high, i haven’t even started feeling kicks yet..i dont think its gas since it since so high and is consistently in the same place. I want to bring it up again but I’m worried they will continue to ignore it. I started thinking maybe it could be phantom kicks but its not a kick feeling at all and can you get those when you’re actually pregnant. Kinda lost here. I feel like im going crazy here. Has anybody experienced this?