'Insensitive' Anna Duggar/*miscarriage talk*



So scrolling through my suggested stories on google, this article pops up talking about how people are calling Anna Duggar insensitive for announcing her pregnancy.

So my question is, regardless of your general views of the Duggar family, is she being insensitive?

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Posted at
I don’t think so. I would be thrilled for my sisters/sister in law if they announced they were pregnant and I just had a miscarriage. I’m sad for myself, but I’m not going to let that get in the way of my loved ones happiness or my happiness for them.


Posted at
Oh good lord. So their whole family gets down without protection because that is their belief. I think that's pretty fucked up that one comment saying they should've abstained out of respect. Who the fuck are you to tell someone when they can and can't fuck? I get waiting a respectful time before announcing, but come on now. This is just nonsense.


Qu • May 5, 2019
I did not take it that way at all. Lol it could go either way I suppose. Good call.


Px • May 5, 2019
I understood that as meaning they should have abstained from announcing the pregnancy 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


Posted at
Why is just Anna insensitive like 3 other sisters announced that there having babies too and I believe one sister had the same due date as Lauren. 🙄 people aren’t going to stop living their lives because you had a loss it happens.


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Miscarriages are awful and I can't image her pain at it always being publicly out there to have talked about, commented about and debated. However I don't believe someone else's loss means that anyone else shouldn't announce their own pregnancy or feel they can't enjoy it because others feel they have a right to shame them for doing so


Posted at
One shouldn’t have to suppress their excitement because another lost theirs. It’s sad yes. But no they shouldn’t have to censer their excitement.It’d be different if they included Lauren during pregnancy in the pic. But they didn’t. Ppl need to get over themselves


Posted at
I find it surprising that people want to say she's being insensitive to Lauren when the only person who can give an answer to whether that's true or not...is Lauren.I get that this comes with the territory when you live your life in the public eye, but people are far too quick to give their opinion when they have no idea of the whole story. If Lauren had released a statement saying how hurt she was, that would be different. But the public cares far too much about this family imo.


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I don’t think she was being insensitive. Speaking as someone who has had a miscarriage and has 2.5 kids (I’m currently pregnant with #3), I understand that having a miscarriage is incredibly painful but it wasn’t Anna’s fault and she still has the right to announce when she pleases. Now, if she had announced when Lauren announced she had a miscarriage, that would be insensitive.


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Not insensitive to announce the pregnancy. Insensitive perhaps in the way that they did it together, I could see how that may bring up feelings of exclusion.


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She can’t expect them to not talk about pregnancies or babies just because she had a miscarriage - yeah it sucks but she will be pregnant again without a doubt it’s what they do


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what??????? having babies is not a slap in the face to people who cannot have babies or have lost one. they don’t owe it to her to not get pregnant because of her pain. that’s just not how it works.