Back to Work for a Month

I am going back to work Monday for a month then I will be staying home. My husband will be taking paternity leave for the month while I work. He gets super stressed and ends up setting her down/calling me when our little one cries and won't settle down (usually when she is tired & fighting sleep). I am so nervous he is going to get super stressed when I go back to work and not know what to do. Right now when he gets stressed he puts her down in her crib or pack n play and gets me to come settle her down. I dont know what he is going to do if I am at work and I can't come and settle her. I'm considering trying to find a babysitter for a month or asking my mom to come down to help a couple of days during the month.

He is a great dad and husband. He just doesn't know what to do when she won't settle down quickly.